Monday, August 12, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S2 tips and tricks

That’s right; you read correctly, today we’re diving into the time machine with the Samsung Galaxy S2 to find out some tips and tricks. If you’re like me, unfortunately you don’t budget for a new phone or tablet each time a new cycle is announced by the companies.  So, here’s to the Samsung Galaxy S2! A wonderful phone with some wonderful features and (thankfully) still getting the update love from a very dedicated community!
Hey there Galaxy S2. Why don't you come out for a quick dusting off? / © QDL/AndroidPIT

Give your screen a check-up

If you’ve got a stuck pixel on your screen or just wondering how your phone is handling in general, you can easily activate the LCD Test Mode for the Galaxy S2.
test mode
To get into this mode, simply head to your phone dialer and put it *#0*#. From here, you can choose from a different assortment of tests that you can perform on your device to make sure that everything is up to snuff.

Stop viewing mobile versions of popular sites

One of my biggest pet peeves is jumping to a website on my phone and then being transported directly to their mobile version of the site. Unfortunately, this modified version usually lacks a ton of the content that you’re actually going to the site to find. Thankfully, the Galaxy S2 has a nice built in tool that will take care of this for you.
Galaxy S2 Tips Tricks 3
By typing about:useragent into the URL bar of your browser, a window will pop up asking you what you’d like your device to pretend to be. Do you want websites to think you’re browsing from the desktop? No problem. You can even spoof being on an iPhone, if that’s really your cup of tea.

Take a screenshot. Seriously.

As intuitive as it may be for some people, I run into a countless number of people who despite owning their device for years still have no idea how to take a screenshot. I even had one friend have another friend take a picture of his screen and then send it to me when he had a problem with it. Just a little bit of over-kill, eh?
Anyway, for the Galaxy S2 in order to take a screenshot you just need to hold down the Home button and then press the Power button once. You’ll hear a nice little shutter  sound effect and the screen will be saved in the ScreenCapture folder in your Gallery.

USB it up.

One of the most used features for myself was the ability to attach USB devices to my Galaxy S2. To do this, you need an adapter cable and from there it’s basically just plugging in everything to your S2. This will allow you to use your USB devices, such as mouse, keyboard and even USB thumb drives.
Galaxy S2 USB Host
Just keep in mind that there isn’t a whole ton of power coming from the S2, so some USB items that require a huge draw to work (such as external hard-drives) might not work.

….and another Easter Egg.

Just like what we brought for the Galaxy Note 2, there’s a little easter egg hidden away on the Galaxy S2.
Just like the Galaxy Note 2 one, head to Settings > About this Phone. This time, tap the Android version about 5 times and you’ll be surprised by a hidden image.
As always, this is not an exhaustive list but a few pointers that we thought were worth mentioning. What are some of your favorite features of the Samsung Galaxy S2?

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