Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do Android fans really care about the new iPad?

Let me be honest. I didn’t get much work done yesterday because I was glued to all the live blogs covering Apple’s new iPad announcement. Obviously I’m an Android fan, but I’m still interested in other mobile technology and I follow all of Apple’s big events.
So what did I think about the new iPad? The “resolutionary” retina display is freaking amazing (seriously, I want that in my next tablet) and the new iPhoto and iMovie look like awesome tools, but other than that I wasn’t impressed much.
After the event, the Apple-obsessed Samsung quickly put out a press release to compare content creation features between the new iPad and the recently announced Galaxy Note 10.1. I found this pretty hilarious, but it really got me thinking.
Do Android fans really care about the new iPad? And do Apple fans give a damn about any Android tablet?
Most Android fans already know, “best smartphone” or “best tablet” is a title that any given device can claim for several weeks (sometimes days). The new iPad is the best tablet available for the moment, but Samsung will quickly roll out their rumored Galaxy Tab 11.6with a faster processor, faster GPU, and even higher resolution display than Apple.
I’m sure Samsung’s new tablet could be superior in every way to the new iPad, but that doesn’t mean that Apple fans will suddenly start lining up to buy one.
As Android chief Andy Rubin recently put it, “The educated consumer realizes it now that they’re either picking the Apple ecosystem or the Microsoft ecosystem or the Google ecosystem.”
If you have already purchased a couple Android phones and maybe a tablet, you have chosen Google’s ecosystem. I’ve followed Apple’s ecosystem closely the last couple of years, and I haven’t seen anything that would make me consider a switch. The thing that is most appealing to me about Google’s ecosystem is choice and I don’t foresee Apple ever competing in that area.
But Apple fans don’t really care about choice. They will keep buying anything that Apple puts out. Jolie O’Dell of VentureBeat put it nicely when she said, “it’s only 30 percent about the tech and 70 percent about the branding.” The new iPad is already starting to run out of stock online. And I don’t have a problem with that. Apple makes great products and their customers are loyal to the brand.
I just think it’s pointless to keep comparing Android products to Apple products when neither side really cares about the other.
So again I ask the question. Does the new iPad make anyone want to switch ecosystems? Check out the official iPad trailer below and let me know if you will be lining up in front of an Apple store on March 16th.


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