Monday, August 12, 2013

Motorola Nexus, Google Glass, Blackberry, and more

Attention all rumors, here we go again! Will Motorola release a new Nexus phone this year? Will Google Glass be as cheap as we hope it will be? What’s Blackberry up to recently? All this and more in the latest installment of our rumor round-up. 
geruechte mockup
© AndroidPIT

Motorola to build the next Nexus 4 device?

This rumor originally started over on a Google+ page by Taylor Wimberly. Taylor has provided some pretty accurate information in regards to the Moto X in the past, so he’s pretty reliable source.
Taulor wimbely
 © Taylor Wimberly Google+
Our thoughts: Well, Wimberly has been right in the past, but he is the only source right now for this rumor so caution is definitely warranted. However, it does make sense for Google to use their Motorola, their own in-house company, to produce their latest installment of the Nexus 4. If they have the potential to do so, why would they continue to outsource the production? However, for now we cannot give a clear picture of whether this is true or not.

Google Glass to debut at $300?

Right now, the $1500 price tag associated with the Google Glass Explorer edition is quite a steep price to pay to be a pioneer in wearable computing. For awhile, there has been speculation as to what the final price would be for consumers when Google Glass would be available to the masses.The China Post assumes that Google will come out with an affordable price for the market and has named $300 as the price point they’ll be aiming for. How do they come to this assumption and this price? We don’t even know.
google glass aufgeschraubt
Does everything inside Google Glass merit a price tag over $1000? / ©
Our thoughts:  It is possible that the current high price is a combination of a psychological maneuver (as well as off-setting a low production run) by Google. So far, only about 5000 copies of Google Glass have been sold and the main goal has been to test out the product in the wild as well as promote hype behind it. Google definitely needs to overcome major hurdles to bring this product to the mainstream market and pricing is definitely going to be a huge factor. However, whatever price they choose to sell it for is still yet to be determined and here’s to hoping it’s within the grasp of most people who would want to try it out.

Amazon working on its own Android games console

Android consoles are currently springing up left, right, and center. With the Ouya and other similar devices on the market, it seems to be a market that’s pretty open and hasn’t had much in terms of heavy hitters entering in. Supposedly the retail giant Amazon wants to jump into the ring and bring a device to the market by the end of the year which would also use their own App market.
Our thoughts: This rumor comes from at least two sources, Game Informer and GamesBeat. However, both of them rely on an “insider source” and provide no other information. All that aside, it seems that it would be believable that Amazon is working on something like this, especially if they plan on pushing their own App marketplace. Like Kindle devices before, Amazon isn’t afraid of jumping into new concepts that seem to be taking off. We’d give this rumor a little bit more benefit of a doubt and wouldn’t be surprised to see something from Amazon shortly.

Blackberry: major changes coming to the company

The rumor about Blackberry comes from Reuters, a pretty reputable source. Apparently the Canadian smartphone is seeking to privatize itself to escape the pressures of Wall Street and its shareholders which would enable them to do a radical restructuring without anyone to answer to. Whether this would allow the company to return back to being as profitable as it was in the past, that is still to be determined.
BlackBerry Tablet
Does Blackberry have a time limit on the existence of their company? If so, would privatizing help extend it? / © AndroidPIT
Our thoughts: Reuters is a pretty seriously and credible source. The problems behind Blackberry are no secret and we’ve reported several times on their downward spiral. If there is not hints at a possible merger or even new products on the horizon for Blackberry, than a return to a private entity might be the next logical step for the once great smartphone company. If anything, we’ll know about this in the near future.

Nexus 10: ASUS all the way? has reported that ASUS will be behind the next Nexus 10 device, taking the helm away from Samsung.  A new Nexus 10 is definitely on the horizon and we expect some kind of information about a release within the next little while.
Our thoughts: It is clear that Google and ASUS currently have a good working relationship. The Nexus tablets have been a success and ASUS has proved to be a worth and capable partner when it comes to them. It would be easy for Google to extend the partnership to a new Nexus 10, but this does not necessarily make it so. This would make sense, but we’ll keep our eyes and ears peeled for information as it arises. 

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